Prayer for Protection of Yield

Heavenly Father, as cold descends upon our vineyards, we commit to your protection all vineyards across the South,

We implore of you, one who rules the seasons, please intercede on our behalf, so that the vines and any buds breaking remain safe from the harsh elements,

and will so find in your favor that the vines may be protected from the blustering winds and freezing temperatures and continue to flourish with new growth,

and so supply their stewards a bountiful harvest yield of fruit to produce the special blessing of wine that gladdens the heart of so many lives.

In your name we pray, Amen.

Published by JenNisBeverageMarketing.Com

Promoting Fun at Local Wineries It's safe to say our hobby has turned into an obsession. What started as a way to spend time together, has turned into a way of life. Our ultimate goal is to promote fun at local wineries. We love our weekend escapades, invite us to visit and blog about your winery, antique store, b&b, or other destination. We are brand ambassadors, promoting fun at local wineries and our reach is through social media, industry contacts, this website, and most importantly word of mouth. Thank you for visiting our website and reading our blog. Happy Weekend Wining!

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